Southern Destinations visit to Home from Home
Southern Destinations has been supporting Home From Home through Uthando for many years. On the 20th of September a team from Southern Destinations took time out of the office to visit the HFH Early Childhood Development Centre ECD in Khayelitsha to do some painting and gardening together with the staff and children at the centre. A lot of fun was had by all and the saying “many hands make light work” certainly rang true that day as a wonderful makeover to the entrance of the centre was also completed really timeously.
Home from Home sent the following note after the visit : “A big thank you to the Southern Destinations team and James Fernie from #UthandoSA who came out on Friday to our ECD Centre in Khayelitsha to add some colour and cheer! The entrance to our ECD Centre looks beautiful. We are extremely proud that we are able to offer an ECD of this calibre to the community of Khayelitsha, endeavouring to go beyond providing just a safe day care centre, and instead offering a very high level of pre-school education. Thank you for being a part of our Home from Home family. We are grateful for your continuous support over the many years.”
Photo: Thembeka Qubuda, principal of the pre-school doing some painting with the learners.