“We Are Africa” Team Visit Beneficiary Community Development Projects
THANK YOU to the “We Are Africa” Tribe for the truly remarkable donation in 2020. The money from the We Are Africa donation supported several highly impactful community projects which are providing life saving assistance in the areas of emergency food relief, Gender Based Violence and sustainable organic food production.
The Amy Foundation (formerly Amy Biehl Foundation). Funding provided to support their feeding schemes in Gugulethu and Bonteheuwel, feeding 700 people twice a week for 8 months.

Ryan, Paul and Di at the Amy Foundation feeding scheme in Gugulethu
The Nonceba Family Counselling Centre (for abused women and children) in Khayelitsha. Funding provided to run the after school programme for 120 school children and the “Boys to Men” programme which aims to educate young boys about Gender Based Violence and good male behaviour towards women and girls.

The We Are Africa team with Nonceba Centre manager Msokoli Zilani

Ryan and Paul holding the “We Are Africa” and “Uthando SA” leaves on the Ashley Kaimowitz Dedication Tree at the Nonceba Family Counselling Centre.
Schools Environmental Education and Development (SEED) based at Rocklands Primary School in Mitchells Plein. Supporting food security in Mitchells Plein for 5 months through SEED’s garden and feeding scheme programme. The garden and bread oven managed by SEED is feeding 657 through 7371 meals per month.

We Are Africa, SEED and Uthando teams in the vegetable garden at Rocklands Primary School.
Philisa Abafazi Bethu “Heal our Women” Family Centre (providing frontline services for victims and their children of Gender Based Violence / Abuse. Philisa Abafazi Bethu recently moved into their brand new Family Centre in Retreat, providing a broad range of services to victims of violent abuse. The We Are Africa donation is contributing to 5 months of covering costs for the new and innovative safe house. The new Family Centre is pioneering in that it is also providing a special accommodation for men who are abused by other men.

The We Are Africa Team at the brand new Family Centre in the Lavender Hill / Retreat area.
Masi Creative Hub in the township of Masiphumelele. Funds from We Are Africa sponsored the installation of a brand new kitchen facility in which the mothers of Masiphumelele township will be cooking more than 1000 meals per day to supply 8 feeding stations right across this very impoverished township located deep in the south peninsula of the city.